Android Version 7.1.2 Easter Egg

This is perhaps, the best way to sum up Android 7.0 Nougat. It’s an Android version for Android fans. It does the basics well and without much fuss for everyone, but for those of us willing to dig around or with an eye on the future, there’s plenty to keep us busy. It’s remarkably stable with only a few inconsistencies and bugs: certainly the fewest I’ve ever seen on a new Android version.

But while it may be harder, better, faster, stronger for the Nexus master race, for the vast majority of Android users, the most important Nougat feature will be how well it works if or when they ever actually get it on their device.

When do you expect to see Nougat? What is the one feature it misses out on?

Android Version 7 Game


Android Version 7.1.1

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